hanatama family.
so, to make a long story short, i got back into hetalia at the start of the year, and i quickly realized that sufin hit all of my favorite ship buttons. tall + small. domesticity. one who talks + one who listens. having the most insane and messiest start of their relationship. i love it!
this is the most canon ship i have too, i think... not that it really matters, but it's interesting stuff! sweden is the only character who is confirmed a sexuality, and in the notes it says he only is attracted to finland. sweden has adopted two micronations and it looks like he and finn live together?? good fucking god. i won't lie and say i know a lot about swede-finn history, but sometimes i feel like i learn a silly amount of facts from the amount of fanfic i've read. they make me so happy.
i bought myself hetalia merchandise in 2023 for them. thank you ebay. whenever there's a rare booth at a con that has hetalia stuff, i always ask for sweden and finland, and they never have them. i'm trying to build up a little doujin collection now (dear god they are so expensive nowadays) but i actually have a preference for the (rare) dynamic of finland x sweden, believe it or not! sweden just screams moe uke to me. i rememeber when i was younger, i always thought that sweden seemed more wife-like... regardless, any time i see them together i actually squee irl.